Let’s Eat Outdoors Today

Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, installation


Damien Hirst, Let’s Eat Outdoors Today, 1990 – 1991:

“The vitrine is split equally. One half contains a steel barbecue covered in raw meat; underneath the barbecue, trays of maggots are inserted where the coals should be. The hatched flies pass through a four inch circular hole, so that the vitrine is reminiscent of the face of a die, in the glass between the two halves. In the other half the abandoned remnants of a typical family’s outdoor meal is presented, a cow’s head lies beneath the table. An Insect-O-Cutor is positioned above the table, it’s tray removed so that the dead flies fall into the food. Hirst describes the work as an exploration into human attempts at “trying to isolate the horror from our lives and remove it.”




Lauren Marx

Written by Andrea on . Posted in art, drawing

Lauren Marx - Breathing fire

“Cosmology, biology and anatomy have always been intriguing me. My attraction to these topics have compelled me to find a way to create images that combine elements from these dissimilar fields to shape a universe that reflects my unique understanding to the cosmos.”

The beautiful work of Lauren Marx.

Lauren Marx - Breathing fire

Lauren Marx - Red Fox

Lauren Marx

Lauren Marx


Written by Valentina on . Posted in art, sculpture, technology


Replicants, by Lorna Barnshaw

Replicants is a triptych of 3D Prints. Each print was created using a different app / software. I interferred with the software as little as posisble, comparing the digital attempts at replicating reality. The result is then 3D printed, bringing the digital simulacrums into the physical world.

replicants replicants2 replicants3