Archive for February, 2012

Tipsy glasses

Written by Valentina on . Posted in design, stuff


Tipsy Glasses, designed by Loris&Livia:

“They look a bit out of shape, a bit wrong, just like the world around you when you get tipsy!
The original Duralex Picardie glasses (250ml) were put in a kiln at a very high temperature until reaching their melting point. The process resulted in a slow deformation of the glasses caused by gravity while preserving their original identity.”

[via lost at e minor]

Possession. The unholy wine collection

Written by Valentina on . Posted in design, food


Possession, by Daniel Brokstad:

“Possession is a limited edition unholy wine collection, featuring “Evil Demon – Bloody Shiraz”, “Haunting Ghost – Spoory Cabernet” and “Old Witch – Cursed Pinot Noir”. All the wines comes in a solid coffin shaped glossy casing, which adds to the exclusiveness of the wine series. Each are based on different occult themes as satanism, the paranormal and witchcraft. The type design on each bottle reflects it’s theme and was made in a rough way to contrast the otherwise clean setup and design, to give it more of an edgy look.”

[via superpunch]